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  • Fritz Engstrom

Edina Arrival

I was hired by St. Louis Park Medical Center. After the University of Colorado residency, Ellen, Carl (one year old), and I moved to Edina, Minnesota, with our dog, in late June, 1977. Our belongings were delivered to our new house.

Because we did not have a fence, we allowed our dog to roam in the neighborhood. He got into a dog-fight that first day, and was badly injured. We took him to a veterinarian for treatment.

Later in the day, Carl opened the oven door, badly burned his hand, and experienced severe pain. A pediatrician, whom I had met, agreed to see Carl, and he bandaged his hand.

We could not find proper screws to hold Carl’s crib together, so we used some minor nails and wire so that he could sleep in his crib. In the middle of the first night, Carl cried loudly. We ignored him for about 20 minutes, as we convinced ourselves that he was unhappy to be in a new house. After a while, we went into his room, and discovered that his crib had collapsed and he was pinned to the floor.

Our first day in Edina was not good.

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